We also had a lovely discussion with our outpatient case manager. We just love her--when she talks, things get done. We had some things to arrange, including: 1. getting a sonic vest for Dakin--he is so over the chest percussions we have to do for CPT and I think he'll enjoy the vest. 2. We are having AMBU bag issues (the new one we got sucks, and that is not a good thing, as we frequently use the AMBU to keep Dakin clear of chest secretions). So she's going to get us a new one! 3. She is putting in a prescription for lithuim ion batteries!!! This is awesome, because the backup battery for Dakin's vent is a huge, heavy car battery. The lithiums are light and small. We have been trying to get some since I don't know when...I should have just asked her in the first place.
They are also going to fight valiantly for us to get Synagis shots for Dakin this winter. Synagis helps prevent RSV, a virus which would be potentially fatal for Dakin. Once the kiddos are 2 they usually can't get it, but his birthday isn't until the end of October, so we may be able to swing it one more winter. Keep your fingers crossed.
All in all, an extremely long day, but worth it. I just love it when they say he looks great...ah...blowing sunshine at me. Sigh...LOVE good reports.
WoooHooo, so happy to hear such a good report. Go Dakin.
Love the pics
We knew you could do it! Way to go little man!
Hugs and slobbery kisses from your pumpkin patch friend and mama
Zackary and Ms Christie
Hey there, thanks for signing our webpage. You're little guy has such a great smile! It must feel good to get a good report. CPT works great, but I'm sure you'll like the vest. We don't have a vest yet because we had some trouble with insurance/med supply.
Have a great weekend!
got to love good visits and goo reports, he looks awesome!!!
Yes, he does look great!! Those pictures of him are just adorable. I am so glad to hear that everything looked good at his check up and that you will be getting some needed help from your case manager. Have a great weekend.
what a doll! good work mama!
great report! love that smile, as always!
I just cant get enough of that cute boy of yours! Goodness, he's precious!
Raia was born two and a half weeks early (not a huge deal, I know) and she could not breathe on her own. She spent 8 days in NICU - longest 8 days of my life. She had to have the Synegis shots, too, and they are CRAZY expensive! I hope they approve them for little Dakin, RSV is no joke (as I'm sure you are WELL aware). Like you, I didn't realize how close Raia and Dakin are in age. Can you believe they will be 2?!
Anyway, love to you and Dakin! Glad he is gaining weight! Wish I could share some of mine!
I'm really happy that Dakin is doing so well!
I'm back from France and I started school at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Classes have been going really well and I really enjoy La Maison Française, a francophone private dorm where I am staying. Je parle le française tous les jours, avec l'intention de ne pas l'oublier :)
que vous soyez courageux et que Dakin reste sain !
Good reports are the best! Despite the very long day, so happy to hear Dakin is doing so well. Such a big boy these days and handsome as ever!
He is so precious!
Wonderful to have good reports!
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