Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012!

Oh yes, it is that time of year again! 

Pumpkin Patch time!

We had to come to Dallas for Vent Clinic, so we did as we always do and headed to the pumpkin patch at the Dallas Arboretum.  I can't help but rave about this place--it is amazing.  From the moment you walk in to the Arboretum, there are pumpkins lining the walkways, piles of various types of pumpkins and squash here and there...literally, tens of thousands of pumpkins.  Best part?  It's handicap accessible!

It was a beautiful day and a perfect one for our annual patch excursion.  After, we headed to Whole Foods for lunch and then vent clinic, which, as usual, went just fine.  He looks great, no complaints or worries!

And since Blogger evidently still has a grudge against me it will only let me post two photos.  BOO. 
(**edited to add that I tried a different browser and it will let me upload! YAY!!!!!!!)

I have been sorely neglecting this blog of late.  Life has been pretty hectic since Dakin started school.  I don't want this time to be getting away from me--Dakin is so funny right now, and I just love spending time with him.  So I decided I am going to start doing a (hopefully) daily entry, even it is just a Dakinism or a Kairos (God's time--a moment that is precious and lifted out of regular time) moment.  I don't want to forget anything.  Even if stupid Blogger won't let me post pictures.

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