Thursday, February 17, 2011

Conversations With Dakin: Cracker Edition

(Scene: Dakin lying on floor, munching on a cracker with his small bucket of animals next to him. Day nurse in chair, keeping an eye on things. Mommy at the gym)

Dakin: Cracker! Cracker!
Jane: Where's your cracker?
Dakin: Animal bucket.
Jane: Well, fish it out of there.
(Dakin fishes cracker out and continues to munch)

(A few minutes later)

Dakin: Cracker! Cracker!
Jane: Where's your cracker now?
Dakin: Animal bucket.
Jane: Well, get it out. Crackers don't belong in the animal bucket.
(Dakin gets cracker out again and munches...again)

(A few minutes later)

Dakin: Cracker! Cracker!
Jane: Where is it now?
Dakin: Far far away.

(He had thrown it down near his feet.)


Heather said...

Oh Dakin... you are such a funny smart boy.And we love you.

Bethany said...

Dakin is too funny and clever!!! What a cutie!!