Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thy Leaves Are So Unchanging

At least this one's are. We went with a fake tree this year, thinking that some allergy issues came up last year with a real one. Well, it seems that Dakin is just going to be junky at this time of year, real tree or not.

I love the symbol of the Christmas both pagan and Christian traditions it points to immortality. It is especially poignant to me this year: living in a world where children pass--frequently--from diseases for which there is no cure, the assurance of an eternal life is comforting and beautiful. I also love the lights: a light that can never be darkened, even though death may dim it for a time. The tree is a message to me that this life is not the end. And I'm grateful for that.

Anyhoo, here is Dada and Dakin--Dada decorating the tree and Dakin dictating where the ornaments went. He is a benevolent tyrant, at least...I had some pics of me and him, but he kept moving his head and the effect is ghastly, so they're not going on here.
More Christmas fun to come!
PS: Ignore my unmatching furniture.


Sara said...

Very well spoken, you have a way with words, my dear :)

Merry Christmas Dakin, I love your tree! Good job!


Cass said...

Wonderful pics. Keep taking more! You know as well as I do that you won't be sorry. I love the tree. Great job, benevolent Dakin!

Tara Bennett said...

This is a beautiful reminder, my dear, especially given Kenzie's recent passing. May I share it on kidz this week?

I want to thank you again for being there for Kendra. I know for a fact that she gained wisdom from you and appreciated your reaching out.


Junior said...

beautifully spoken.
Such nice pics of Dakin with the tree

Mary said...

What a fun time. They look like they had a great time despite the allergies. Even the artificial trees can cause a lot of allergies because of the dust and unseen dirt they attract. If you haven't already thought of it, maybe you could try washing your tree in the tub before you put it together then spraying it with endust so it will not attract as mush dust.I love your comments on the symbolism of the tree. It makes it all that more beautiful.