Thursday, April 19, 2012


It has been so gorgeous here lately...broken foot notwithstanding, we have tried to get out as much as we can and enjoy it before it turns devilishly hot.  We have been enjoying walking and letting Dakin drive around in his powerchair.  I do have one thing to chat about, but other than that there really isn't a tremendous amount to report, other than just the joy of living our normal.  Just to record a few things, though...and here is where I do it. 

Firstly, however, we had our first meeting with the school.  They seemed great, very open to accomodating Dakin and his needs as much as possible.  He seemed to enjoy the experience, and said he wants to go back.  The jury is still out, though...I want so much to keep him here with me, but I don't know if that is what is best for him.  I need to do more research.

Dakin in a 'tent'.  :)

Anyway, now to the other stuff:

We were outside letting Dakin drive around, and I wanted to hold his hand (I am just cheesy like that).  At one point I let go, and he asked to hold mine again.  :)  I love that he is little enough that I still get to enjoy things like that.

Dakin, talking about the English Bulldog across the street whom he absolutely loves: "He talks crazy in Spanish!"  (huh?  haha!)

Dakin naming dwarves: "Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Badger."

For Super Why viewers: I laid Dakin down on my bed so we could work on Spring Cleaning in there, and he insisted he be put on the floor. I asked him why not the bed, and he said "Because it's my story. Dakin needs to lie down."

Dakin, irritated at me for whatever it was I wasn't doing fast enough for him...
Me: "You are being--"(he cuts me off)
Dakin: "Patient!"
Me: "No, you are being IMpatient!"
Dakin: "No, I am OUTpatient!"

Whew, ok.  Glad all that is recorded!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


We once more have a USB that works!!  Just in time for Easter...hooray!  We had a fantastic Easter weekend--probably the biggest highlight of it was that Dakin was actually excited about it this year.  He was pumped for the egg hunt, excited for the Easter Bunny--it was really cute to see him so excited.  So, without further ado: Our weekend.

First up, we had the egg hunt at the church.  Dakin loved it, and the friend in charge made him a little patch to hunt in all by himself so he wouldn't be competing with two-legged, quicker small beings.  Look at his face!  So happy.

And Easter morning.  Mommy's foot is still broken, so no church for us today, but we had fun at home.  He was happy with his basket, which was comprised of monster trucks, a semi and a bulldog toy.  Ignore the respiratory equipment in the background. 

 He wavered between naming the dog 'Dog' and 'Spanky', but finally settled on the latter--Spanky is, of course, the English bulldog who lives across the street from us and who is Dakin's best bud.

We made some nest treats (almond bark, chow mein noodles and cadbury mini eggs).  Dakin had fun helping stir and put the eggs on.

Then we dyed eggs.  I thought we would try three different methods this year:  plain old dyeing, volcano dyeing, and swirl dyeing.  Hence the sheer amount of STUFF needed.  Too bad I didn't buy the big bag of baking soda...and yes, that is a computer monitor in the back.  We have a new one and I haven't gotten around to recycling that old one because my foot is kind of broken.  So it is living on the table.  Hush.
 Dakin loved the volcano dyeing...he loves anything involving vinegar and baking soda.

 And then we headed outside for our egg hunt.

The Easter Bunny hid 5.00 in quarters for Dakin to find.  He was pretty happy about that. 

All in all, an excellent Easter.  Hope yours was excellent as well!