Friday, April 9, 2010

Couldn't Be Prouder

Today was Dakin's 2 year anniversary of getting released from the hospital. He has only been back once, (I've mentioned before that the other stay was 3 days and because he had MRSA and wouldn't even have been hospitalized except that people in East Texas freak out when they see a vent baby) and that wasn't even for a respiratory issue, so it SO DOESN'T COUNT. :)

So we celebrated. We called up Red Lobster and made arrangements for a table with room for his chair (thanks again, Red Lobster) and we went and had dinner. Dakin was fascinated with everything around him: the cowboys who walked in, the baby at the next table, the man using that little vacuum thing. He ate crumbs of various things, but he enjoyed himself. It was the first time we've taken him to a restaurant at a peak time, and it went really well.

We even decided to try a trip to Target. That was almost sensory overload!

Anyhoo, just wanted to let you all know. He has come so far in two years, and we couldn't be prouder of him. Dakin is so joyful, so happy, and day in and day out chooses to defy this disease. We are beyond fortunate to have him as a son, and we learn from him every day.

We love you, bucket!!!


Junior said...

Way to go Dakin, you are a little hero.

Sapna said...

Congrats little guy! That is definitely something to celebrate! And going out to eat is always welcomed in our family :-). I hope you continue to stay healthy and out of the big H for many, many more years. Maybe next outing can be toys'r'us!

Greek Goddess said...

Congratulations! May things continue to go well.

Amy S. said...

Oh Devon, I have tears in my eyes. What a brave little man you have. I feel like I fall more and more in love with him each time you talk about him. I may have to meet him in person someday. Aren't you guys in Texas, or did I make that up? We're pretty sure we're heading to Austin this fall.
Hugs, girl, you rock. I can see where Dakin gets his strength. :)

April said...

Oh we are so proud of you! Dakin, you are a super hero for sure!

Christie Y Brown said...

I'm with Amy, I have tears in my eyes, not a hard thing for me these days, but they are happy tears now, not sad! I like to think of myself as a big supporter of you and we are cheering for you everyday!

Hugs all around from everyone here.

Colleen said...

What a blessing! That is a reason to celebrate for sure!