Again. We had (notice my past tense usage of the verb) a new night nurse. We trained her on Wednesday with our wonderful other night nurse, and last night she was set to work. So she comes in, I keep an eye on proceedings and settle into the recliner in the living room so I can hear if she or Dakin need help. All appears to be going well.
Until 3:30 am.
I wake up, put down the footrest on the recliner, and go to check on Dakin. I walk in his room, and she's asleep. Well, it's not the first time I have seen that, so I make some noise, thinking maybe she just had her eyes closed. I emptied the water trap, moved the circuit around. No good.
I go over to her and whisper her name. Twice. Finally I give up and shake her arm. That rouses her, but not a word of, "Oh, I am so sorry!!" or anything of that nature.
I try to let it go, 'cuz I'm on this new 'trying not to get too bent out of shape' kick. I did stay up until 5 or so trying to catch her at it again.
This morning I approached her about it. Her excuse was, "Oh, I must have dozed off." I let her know in no uncertain terms that if I had to shake her awake, she had not 'dozed off,' she was dead asleep. Still no apology.
SERIOUSLY? You are at my home to prevent my child from dying, and you FALL ASLEEP?!?! On the FREAKING FIRST NIGHT OF YOUR JOB!?!?!! My child's life depends on your vigilance and you can't keep your #$&^#*&$ing eyes open?!
So I bounced her. Idiot. Some people have no business being nurses, and I swear every last one of them has at one time or another passed through my door. Fortunately they out themselves quickly and I give 'em the boot.
She's lucky I didn't cuss her out. I suppose today the blog is my venting board...sorry.
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