ANYWAY. Berry picking day was one of the best days ever. I loaded Dakin up and headed to the walking path, and then met one of my best friends and her son K, who is Dakin's best buddy. We headed out the berry patch.
It took us about 2 months to get there, since people in East Texas can't give directions worth a darn ("Turn left at the tree the lightning split in two in 1912, go til you see where Old McDonald's farm used to be..."). We finally found the patch and headed in!
All direction jokes aside, this patch was beautiful. There were gorgeous flowers and rows and rows of berries. So we just loaded our baskets up. I am kicking myself for not having like 50 arms that I could have picked more blackberries with. They were DELISH. And far too few in number.
So we had a lovely time with our friends. We headed home, saw a deer, got stopped for forever at a train crossing, and then was haunted by the same train on the way home (Dakin LOVED that. He HATES train horns.)
It was a bit of a drive home, so Dakin sampled some berries! Yes, he actually ATE some blackberries! And we had fun jamming to "Drive By" by Train--he knows the words and he and I were just singing and jamming and eating blackberries.
It was a beautiful day. One of the best. And then when we got home he told me he was mad because I didn't let him pick any. (I just wasn't thinking!!! ACK! He was helping hold the baskets!) So I guess we just get to go back next year. :)
Dakin and best buddy K
Blackberry face!